The Reformation of Today


As we look at the ages of the past we can see the fruit and the seed of harvest of God’s kingdom. In the early 1500’s there was a Reformation in the Church. The grace of the Spirit of the Lord and a revelation of justification by faith was released into the earth. Yesterday, some remembered to honor the stand that Martin Luther took on October 31, 1517. I believe that the revolution laid hold of in 1517 was not merely a reformation of that day. I believe that it opened the door to the increasing revolution in the church. The church is the gate of heaven in the earth and it is through the church that the influencing power of true revolution and reformation is released into the earth. “The just live by faith” is still a resounding testimony in the nations. We can all experience the increasing fruit and testimony of the desire of the nations. We have been granted the power of repentance unto life and a testimony of repentance from dead works in Christ. This Reformation opened in the 1500’s continued to sweep the nations as we came into the 1600’s and 1700’s. In the last half of the 1700’s to the first half of the 1800’s there was a great Holiness Movement. Over 150 denominations were birthed based upon the testimony of sanctification. I believe that the diversity of denominations reveals a truth of individual revelation in works that speak of our faith. Our faith cannot be a sanctification unto God based upon unified conformity. It must be based upon a personal revelation of faith towards God and our own works that speak of that faith. A grace of the Spirit of Wisdom and faith toward God was released as fruit and seed to the progressing generations. At the close of the 1800’s and the beginning of the 1900’s there was a Pentecostal Movement. A grace of the Spirit of Understanding with the testimony of Holy Spirit submersion was released as fruit and seed to the generations. The testimony that comes by submersion in God has become an increasing unstoppable reality in the earth. We are submerged in His presence and there is a supernatural testimony of His presence available for us all. At the middle of the 1900’s there was a Later Reign Movement and a Charismatic Renewal that brought a grace of the Spirit of Understanding and the testimony of the authority of body membership and ministry. The authority of the laying on of hands with the testimony of Christ’s healing life was released as fruit and seed to the coming generations. The testimony of authority that gives life to others was ushered in through the gate of heaven and it continues to grow, to thrive, and to mature in the generations. At the close of the 1900’s there was Faith that comes by hearing God, Prophetic ministry as a testimony of His voice, and a testimony of Renewal given to the Church as a response to His manifest presence in our lives. A grace of the Spirit of Might with the testimony of the resurrection life of Christ was given the progressing ages of men. The fruit and seed of hearing God, speaking God’s words, and knowing God’s manifest presence was given to the generations. As we have entered this 21st Century we are seeing an increasing testimony of Communion and a reaching of the communities of the world with the community of Christ. Unity through diversity is the call of the day and a demand for a justice system of love overshadows the need for a justice system of mere right and wrong. A grace of the Spirit of Knowing with Christ’s eternal judgment of love is being given to the generation. A dependency upon God and His heavenly communion is becoming the available testimony for those hungry for life. God wants to empower a generation of people who seek to live to be a blessing, not merely to be blessed. An Esau generation is being transformed to a Jacob generation that desires the blessing of God to be God’s blessing in the nations. A Jacob generation is being transformed into a culture of inheritance and a testimony of the true Israel of God is being called for among the peoples. The earth will see the people of God revealed in a greater way. The kingdom of God is continuing to increase with the testimony of food and seed to the ages to come.

I propose that we embrace the reformation of today and not merely call for a repeat of something in the past. Does God do something every 500 years or has He been doing something amazing for the past 500 years that is available for those who have eyes to see it? The coming of the Lord is not a fearful thing for those in Christ. The end of every age is harvest and there is a coming of the Lord in all the generations of men. The Spirit and the Bride still cry out come Lord Jesus, come. He is riding on the clouds of His manifest presence in the earth. The church is the gate of heaven and angels are ascending and descending to bring about the influence of the Kingdom of the Lord and the will of the Father is being made known by the presence of Christ in the church. As leaders, let us lead others into the present manifestation of grace in the earth. It is time for another measure of life.

Food For Thought,

Ted J. Hanson

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About ted4leaders

Ted J. Hanson is the leader of House of Bread Ministry and Christ Life Training Ministry Academy. He has dedicated his life to raising up the generations of God with a 100-year plan to become the testimony and power of God's life and grace in the earth.
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