Finding New Strength

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A couple of days ago I head God say that 2023 is a year of ‘new strength’. It will be a year of hurdles. What is a hurdle? A hurdle is an obstacle that you are expected to overcome. It is not a place that you cannot get over. It is a place that you are expected to get over, but you are going to have to find the strength to do so. That strength comes from within.

A hurdle is a device used to draw the best of the abilities of the one who finds the hurdle on the course. It is part of a training course, but that training simply reveals a fuller potential from within the one on the course. It is meant to draw out a strength that reveals one’s true abilities.

The central attraction in our lives needs to be God our Father, Jesus the Son, and intimacy with Holy Spirit. These are the center of our world. In God we live, we move, and we have our being. Christ in us is the hope of glory. So, to find ‘new strength’ means that we will discover a deeper understanding of Christ in us. I believe God is going to draw out the identity, testimony, and purpose of Christ from within our hearts and we will see new things in 2023. Those things will reveal a greater purpose for God’s glory.

Yesterday I heard God say that 2023 is going to have some unexpected turns. Perhaps the unexpected turns will reveal the hurdles that we can expect to overcome. Unexpected turns are not something we can plan for. They are unexpected. We can plan to find our strength in Christ. Finding our strength in Christ will surely give us whatever we need for any unexpected turns in our lives.

I don’t sense that unexpected turns of 2023 are a negative thing. I feel that the unexpected turns of 2023 are going to inspire us to believe for more, see more, and experience more in our identity, testimony, and purpose in Christ. Holy Spirit is working in our lives to walk with God as our friend in our paths of destiny.

The apostle Paul wrote that the signs of a sent one (apostle), were accomplished with all perseverance. They were demonstrated in supernatural ways, but they were accomplished with perseverance.

1 Corinthians 12:12 Truly the signs of an apostle were accomplished among you with all perseverance, in signs and wonders and mighty deeds.

The word perseverance is not just endurance or a determination to win. The word implies a cheerful endurance. It is a persistence that draws upon the life of Christ from within us.

I believe that we are facing a new season in Christ to know the cheerful endurance that comes by the life of Christ within us. The hurdles before us will only challenge us to find the joy of Christ within our hearts to experience new testimonies of our victory in Christ.

As leaders, we must set an example in perseverance that others can follow. The joy of the Lord is our strength and a new strength for our new path in Christ will come from within. We must inspire those we lead to find their strength from within. We must inspire those we lead to overcome every hurdle put before them to find the joy of new testimonies in Christ in 2023.

Food For Thought,

Ted J. Hanson

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About ted4leaders

Ted J. Hanson is the leader of House of Bread Ministry and Christ Life Training Ministry Academy. He has dedicated his life to raising up the generations of God with a 100-year plan to become the testimony and power of God's life and grace in the earth.
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