Take Care

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Paul’s letter to Timothy was a letter to a pastor. It was meant to make Timothy aware of his responsibilities as a leader and also to give instruction for leaders to come. It was meant to be read by the church so that all are aware of the gift of leadership given by God to the church. Leadership is a calling, an appointment, and anointing given by God for the guidance and empowerment of the church.

Timothy was to lead without prejudice. He was to accept his responsibility of leadership, not merely for those he liked, but for every person given to his charge. All leaders must understand that their role of leading is not something they have chosen, but a role assigned to them by God for the sake of those they lead. Their responsibilities of leadership must be carried out in a manner that shows God’s love and care for each and every person in the community under their care. That love is the testimony of our Father’s love for each of His children.

1 Timothy 5:21 I charge you before God and the Lord Jesus Christ and the elect angels that you observe these things without prejudice, doing nothing with partiality. 

The responsibility of leading is not just meant to be carried by one. God chooses others to partner together for His purpose and will in every sphere of His family. Authority gives life and authority is a grace gift of responsibly for the sake of those to whom they have been sent. Timothy was to give authority to others in a careful manner. Authority is not something taken lightly or given away quickly. Leaders must understand that the authority they walk in is a substance given to them by God. To give that substance to another is a decision led by God and it must be given to those who qualify for such responsibility. It is a serious thing to represent God in some way before others. When a leader lays hands upon someone for leadership the authority given to that person authorizes them to be a representation of the authorizing leader. If they are found to be lacking in character that testimony becomes one that affects the delegating authority as well. A leader must be aware of the gravity of giving authority to others. They must never shy away from giving authority to others, but they must also not be hasty in giving authority to them. The need for gifts of ministry can never outweigh the need for properly discerning who is qualified to receive authority and who is not. That qualification is given by God and directed by God at all times.

1 Timothy 5:22 Do not lay hands on anyone hastily, nor share in other people’s sins; keep yourself pure.

The role of leadership is a gift to those they lead, and it is a responsibility entrusted to a leader of great importance. Every leader must know that being a leader is not a position of hierarchy, but one of service. It is an honor to serve those you lead. For a leader to lead well, a leader must stay in relationship with God and others well. A leader must love well. They must care for themselves, their family, ant those in their care.

It is important for a leader to take care of his or her life – spirit, soul, and body. Paul told Timothy to take care of himself physically. In Paul’s first letter to Timothy he wrote to him in regard to drinking a little wine for the sake of his stomach. I don’t believe that Paul was merely giving Timothy instructions about wine. It was not meant to be a license for drinking or a law against it. These were the words of a spiritual father to a spiritual son as a matter of love and concern for his wellbeing.

1 Timothy 5:23 No longer drink only water, but use a little wine for your stomach’s sake and your frequent infirmities.

This verse of Scripture implies that Paul was aware of a digestive problem that Timothy struggled with. Paul was concerned for the health of his spiritual son Timothy. Paul was telling Timothy to be sure to take care of himself physically. Let’s consider an even greater scope of possibility here. In Scripture wine is also a metaphor for a happy and prosperous soul. It is not about drinking wine, it is about living with a happy and prosperous soul. I like to hunt. In the forest I spend time with God, but the forest also rejuvenates my soul.

Psalms 104:15 And wine that makes glad the heart of man, oil to make his face shine, and bread which strengthens man’s heart.

I believe that it is important for a leader to take care of themselves. Life is not about ministry, it is about relationship and when we are not healthy in spirit, soul, or body we are often hindered in our ability to lead. Being unhealthy in any aspect does not disqualify us from leading; it merely creates a personal challenge in our ability to lead. Surely there are many times in life where the circumstance and situation causes us to have to press through hard times, but we should not seek to religiously inflict pain upon ourselves. If we seek to live godly lives we will suffer persecution, but we must not be lazy, negligent, or irresponsible in taking care of our own spirit, soul, or body in our walk in life. When we experience the consequences of not taking care of ourselves we can hardly blame the devil or some sort of tribulation when things go awry. In such cases we can only blame our own foolishness. If we take care of our own lives, spirit, soul and body, we can lead others in doing the same.

Food For Thought,

Ted J. Hanson

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About ted4leaders

Ted J. Hanson is the leader of House of Bread Ministry and Christ Life Training Ministry Academy. He has dedicated his life to raising up the generations of God with a 100-year plan to become the testimony and power of God's life and grace in the earth.
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