Wisdom To Move Forward

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The wisdom of God is different than the wisdom of men. The wisdom of mankind seeks to discover a future of independence and some measure of personal success. The wisdom of God seeks to discover a future dependent upon God and some measure of significance for the sake of others in the calling, testimony, and the purpose of God in our lives. The wisdom of men is empowered by natural experiences and personal discoveries. The wisdom of God is empowered from a personal encounter with God in our hearts. It is not a wisdom based upon natural understanding. It is a wisdom based upon the Holy Spirit as the Spirit of Wisdom in our lives. Wisdom will lead us to tomorrow, but only God’s wisdom leads to the destiny of who we are in Christ. God’s wisdom is always life-giving, and the wisdom of self is self-preserving and self-seeking.

We each need wisdom and knowledge to acquire true understanding in our lives. We discover the wisdom of God through an awe of God in our lives. Wisdom and knowledge will give us understanding. The knowledge of the moment with the sense of tomorrow will give us understanding for today or we’ll be stuck in the knowledge of the past. The knowledge of the past always resists the knowledge of today and rejects the wisdom that will lead us into tomorrow, so it is left with a lack of understanding. God’s wisdom will lead us forward in the will of God, therefore when it is embraced by us, we experience a sense that is peaceable, pure, and willing to yield to what God wants in our lives. It is never self-seeking or self-preserving; therefore, in the path of God’s wisdom we never fear death. Human wisdom is focused on self, and it is filled with a fear of death. It makes us unwilling to let go of our way so we can move beyond what we have known. It binds us to not want to change because changes require our present to die and we are afraid to lose what we have accepted as human gratification and security in our lives. Human wisdom seeks to preserve self by having intimate relationships with things that give identity instead of a trust relationship with God that leads us into the future. This is a testimony of the spirit of Jezebel. God’s wisdom is connected to the prophetic nature of God. It involves the voice of God speaking that leads us into new testimonies of God’s life. Self-preserving wisdom is a testimony of a spirit of Jezebel, and it seeks to bind the words of God in our lives and substitute them with seductive words that tempt us to live to gratify our personal desires in a world of carnal ways and carnal plans. Those carnal ways can be clothed in the deceptive clothing of our own personal desires and plans. When God leads us in a path that is moving forward, we will be tempted by the spirit of Jezebel. We will be tempted to not move forward in hearing God, but to be a voice of self that refuses to allow God to be the voice in our lives that leads us forward. This is a deception, and we must live in the place of wells to be free from this binding spirit.

We discover the wisdom of God through an awe of God in our lives. Wisdom and knowledge will give us understanding. What is a key to moving forward in the path of God in our lives? A first key is that we must live in a place of wells. We are going to have to live in a place of God’s life-giving voice of freedom that moves us forward in the path of God’s destiny in our lives.  This was the testimony of Elisha when he was attacked by the Syrians when he was in Dothan (meaning the place of wells). Living in the place of God’s presence in our lives will give us a clear vision of faith on good days and on days of opposition. As it was with Elisha, we will see that those with us in our path forward are more than those with those that are with what opposes our path in Christ.

2 Kings 6:16 So he answered, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” 17 And Elisha prayed, and said, “LORD, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” Then the LORD opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

There was no need to fear. Those in the realm of the spirit with Elisha were more than those in the spirit that were with the Syrians. Faith to move forward in our path of destiny in Christ is love filled and fear empty. It is a path of supernaturally trusting God because He loves us. There is always an assurance of God being with us and with God we know that our future is secure and filled with a testimony of life. We must live in the place of wells in every decision we make in life and not in the place of natural sight. God’s Spirit flowing in and through our lives will lead us forward in the path of life. We can’t just be servants of others who live in the place of wells. We must live in the place of God’s fresh presence. We must live as sons and daughters of God and not mere servants of the things of God. What is going on around us in the natural has nothing to do with who we are or what we should do in life. The environment that needs change has nothing to do with what we should do in life. Only the voice of God in our hearts can determine what we should do today to find the path that leads us forward to our tomorrow in Christ. We must live in a personal connection with God in our lives to know who we are and what we are to do in every season of our lives.

Food For Thought,

Ted J. Hanson

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About ted4leaders

Ted J. Hanson is the leader of House of Bread Ministry and Christ Life Training Ministry Academy. He has dedicated his life to raising up the generations of God with a 100-year plan to become the testimony and power of God's life and grace in the earth.
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