Blog In Audio:
Audio PlayerThe Scriptures are not written to the world. They are written as a witness to the voice of God in the heart of all each and everyone who believes. We must understand this in order to move forward from merely being people that God says belong because of His love to becoming people that know they belong for His presence, His testimony, and His purpose in all things. When we read the Scriptures, we are not reading letters written to those who do not believe in God the Father, Jesus the Son, or Holy Spirit as God the giver of life in all things. Holy Spirit can use the Scriptures as a witness to His voice to convict the heart of anyone, but the written word of God is given to those who believe that they might know what they believe in their personal and intimate relationship with God. As believers, we should consume the written word of God to activate His living testimony within our hearts. We read the Scriptures to activate an accurate hearing of God’s voice in our hearts. We should spend more time reading the Scriptures than any other book in the world. No other book, not even books who proclaim to be Christian in their purpose, is more valuable than the written word of God. It is sharp enough to pierce through our souls and into our spirits to activate us to hear God’s voice within. It is a letter to the church, and it can only be interpreted and applied properly when it is understood that it is for those who believe. The letter written to those who are yet to believe is the testimony of those who believe as they become the evidence of lives transformed by the power of Christ within. This is the testimony of the church. Surely the enemy has formed weapons against this. This is no doubt why being the church is such a challenge in our journey of life.
God is building His church in the earth. His church is His eternal bride revealed as the Proverbs chapter 31 woman in the earth. She is the body of Christ joined to Jesus the Christ, the head of all that is the fullness of God in the earth. She is dealing in the real estate of the earth on behalf of her husband, Jesus, who sits in the gates as Lord of lords and King of Kings in all things.
Ephesians 1:22 And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, 23 which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.
If you search the Scriptures, you will find that standing and walking through the land is a testimony to receiving the land as a possession of inheritance. The church is the body of Christ and she is joined to Jesus as the head to transform the world through the calling, the testimony, and the power of the destiny of Christ. Christ is the place of God’s manifest presence in the earth. It is the manifest presence of God in human form. It is not natural, but supernatural in character, nature, way, power, and authority.
Jesus was the manifest presence of Christ as the eternal Adam, a new creation of mankind for the glory of God in all things. Within Him was the spiritual rib that would be formed into the eternal Eve that would be made of every tribe, tongue, people, and nation in the generations of mankind. From the nations and the generations, a new creation would arise that is the testimony of the body of Christ. The world is not the body of Christ, but the earth is being called to come and be a part of a born-again creation in the body of Christ. This is the New Covenant Adam and Eve joined in the Spirit for the will of God the Father in heaven and upon the earth. The mandate of this New Covenant Man is to be fruitful, multiply, fill, subdue, and have dominion in all things. This can only be fulfilled in a Man, male and female, that is the fullness of God in bodily form. The bodily form includes the headship of Jesus and the co-joining partner of an eternal Eve, known as the church. She is joined to her husband in all things and they are one flesh together for the glory of God the Father in all things. They are not a body of flesh, but a body of the Holy Spirit that fills all in all. The testimony of this body is the same as what was revealed in Jesus, the eternal Adam. It is a testimony of being full of grace and truth. God’s grace is His manifest presence that destroys all manner of death. Truth is what be become by the power of God at work in our lives. Truth crumbles every lie. Grace subdues the world with life and truth fill every space with the dominion of that life. The blood of the New Covenant body of Christ is not the blood of the flesh, but the blood of supernatural power. That blood is the power of Christ within! God doesn’t just want us to live good, nice or happy lives. He intends for us to live a life of greatness and destiny in the form of the body of Christ!
Food For Thought,
Ted J. Hanson
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