The Final Gates


As leaders in Christ’s Church we must seek to activate, facilitate, and release the culture of God’s kingdom of among His people. There should be a grace of pastoral care that enables the people to hear God and care for one another. There should be a reaching into the world to gather increase into a growing expression of God’s kingdom. Works that demonstrate faith should be an earmark of God’s community. There should be a value of inherited truth and testimony among the people. Solid foundations should make building the future a stable work. The attitude of God’s people should be one of brokenness before Him. Their wills should be inspired by the greater will of God in all things. This is not a testimony of depression or pain, but one of life and joy before Him as His Spirit leads them. The atmosphere of a kingdom culture should inspire others to choose God’s will over their own.  Healing and deliverance should be testimonies of he day. The freedom of God’s kingdom should be a hallmark of any community expression of Christ. Things of the past are released and the things of God are embraced in fullness and legitimacy. An expression of God’s kingdom is filled with the fresh life of God’s Spirit. There must be a strong focus on God’s word as the source of life-giving water among His people. There should be a healthy prayer perspective that doesn’t make prayer a work, but sees prayer as a daily and continual face-to-face reality with God and His children. These are the testimonies of the ‘Sheep Gate’, ‘Fish Gate’, ‘Old Gate’, ‘Valley Gate’, ‘Dung Gate’, ‘Fountain Gate’, ‘Water Gate’, and the ‘Horse Gate’.

Now we will continue with the final two gates revealed in Nehemiah. The next gate is the ‘East Gate’ (Neh. 3:29). Throughout the Scripture the east relates to the place of birthing new things and bringing new things. The beginning of each day is in the east. The birth of Christ was seen as a star in the east (Mt. 2:2). I believe that this gate relates to the birthing of new things and the Spirit of revelation in our lives. God wants to give us things we haven’t seen, we haven’t heard, and we haven’t even thought before (1 Cor. 2:9,10). Resurrection life comes from the ‘east gate’. It was at the rising of the sun and the beginning of a new day that the rising of the Son of God made way for a new beginning for mankind (Lk. 24:1). It is the revelation that comes at the beginning of the day that perfects us at the end of the day. God is faithful to complete everything He begins (Phil. 1:6). Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End (Rev. 1:8). If we always do what we’ve always done we will always get what we have always gotten. The Spirit of revelation among us causes us to do new things, thus receiving new results. The ‘east gate’ is essential to every ministry and the life of every believer. We cannot be stuck in the past or bound to the traditions of men. We must be willing to embrace the things that come by revelation from God.

The final gate is the ‘Miphkad Gate’ (Neh. 3:31). This gate in some translations is called the ‘muster gate’ (RSV) or the ‘mustering gate’ (NEB) or even the ‘inspection gate’(NASB). This gate implies the ability to place people in the correct place for the work of the kingdom. This is an apostolic anointing that helps people find their place in the city of God. I believe that this gate is under restoration even at this time in the Body of Christ. It is important that we help people find the grace that is on their lives (Rom. 12:4-8). Each saint must find their purpose and place in the community of God (1 Cor. 12:28-31). The Body of Christ is one Body, but it is made of many members (2 Cor. 12:18-20). Healthy leadership knows the responsibility of ministry identification. They know how to ‘inspect’ and ‘muster’ the people to find their place of function and ministry in the Body of Christ. The place of fit for each member is the place where they bring life to others. This gate has to do with assisting people in finding the place of God’s favor in their lives. This gate could be called a ‘Placement Gate’ that is determined by the grace of God upon each member. That grace is their ability to bring life to others.

As leaders we must seek to allow God to make these gates of His community strong in any expression of His kingdom. We cannot develop these things through programs or naturally minded proposals. We must seek the leading of the Holy Spirit in developing a healthy expression of God’s kingdom upon the earth. We will no doubt find seasons of some expressions being stronger than others, but our aim must be a healthy expression of a community of God. These are the testimonies of the ‘Sheep Gate’, ‘Fish Gate’, ‘Old Gate’, ‘Valley Gate’, ‘Dung Gate’, ‘Fountain Gate’, ‘Water Gate’, ‘Horse Gate’, ‘East Gate’, and the ‘Placement Gate’.

Food For Thought,

Ted J. Hanson

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About ted4leaders

Ted J. Hanson is the leader of House of Bread Ministry and Christ Life Training Ministry Academy. He has dedicated his life to raising up the generations of God with a 100-year plan to become the testimony and power of God's life and grace in the earth.
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