Special Prophetic Posting


Today I am taking the opportunity to post a special blog edition. I have no desire to be political or to invite any political debate in today’s posting. I am posting what I believe to be my responsibility before God for the sake of peace, embracing thoughts of a future and hope, and moving forward as the community of God in the midst of the communities of the world.

Yesterday the United States elected a new president, Donald J. Trump. I know that there are many mixed feelings in the world and many mixed feelings in the body of Christ. I want to first remind you as God’s children that you are a part of the community of Christ and that the kingdoms of the world are not the same as the kingdom of God. The kingdoms of the world are being increasingly filled with those who are embracing the kingdom of God within their hearts. By this the kingdoms of the world are becoming the kingdoms of Christ, but God’s kingdom is not an administration of external force. It is an internal place of transformation in the human heart. The kingdom of God is an intimate place of the human heart that knows that God is God, we are God’s people, and we and God live together in all things. It is God who gives us life, breath, and all things, thus we live, move, and have our being in Him. It is marked in our thinking and imprinted in our ability to be blessings in this world. It is a mark on our foreheads (thinking) and a mark on the back of our hands (doing) that reveals we are the people of God. We live for God our Father and for the future generations of God’s children in this world. My hope for America or for any nation of the world is not in an external administration, but I will always hope for natural administrations in the earth that will serve as instruments in God’s hand for His purposes in the earth.

I received several encounters with the Holy Spirit since last December that led me to strongly believe that the election of Donald Trump to the office of president in the United States would take place. I have been reserved in my opinion and have held my voice for the sake of various opinions of friends in the community of God. I have indicated my thoughts, but I have not been overtly public with my opinions. I have refused to debate or to condemn anyone for a different opinion then my own and I have sought to be careful in my own heart to make my own voting decision based upon what I sensed God was saying. I will say that I have consistently experienced some very tangible moments of God’s presence while praying for Donald Trump. I will continue to pray for God’s wisdom and guidance upon him in the appointment of individuals to various roles of responsibility in the administration of the United States. I received a prophetic word at the end of October in regard to the election and I am posting it now. Upon receiving it, I sent it to a few privately as a record of declaration and I have declared it from a place of heaven’s gate. I am posting this primarily for those of you who are citizens of United States and citizens of the body of Christ in the sphere of my influence. Today I am posting it for you to see, to pray, and to consider what God may be saying to you as a believer in regard to being a member of the community of God in the midst of the communities of the world.

October 31, 2016

The Spirit of God says, I am playing my Trump card in the present elections. I will bring a unity in the parties of men. He will be able to draw the cards together of any suit and he will be the difference in turning a losing hand to a winning hand. The winning hand will turn things towards the hand of My favor IN America. What was established by the strength of men will be overturned by the foolish things of the world. There will be an uncovering, an unveiling of things to come, and a recovering of the things that are meant to be. That which I am doing is only a sign of my true desire. For I will cause there to be a turning of things that were opposed to one another to turn towards Me and I will reveal a new reality in the dependence of men upon My name for the glory of My inheritance in the earth.

The true turning will be in the hearts of My people, for it is not in agreement that unity is found, but in the power of love that goes beyond the disagreements of men. The Cyrus of this nation will continue to upset those who are bound to the law of their own hearts and minds. For some that law is the legalism of religious right, for others it is the law of human entitlements and the choice of their own needs. Those who call themselves My people must show mercy to those who are bound to the left or the right. Those who call themselves My people must become My people of grace so the path may become clear that leads to life. My people shall be known by their love.  – Ted J. Hanson

This is a word I gave four years ago before the last U.S. election. I believe that it is also relevant to the present season in America.

October 31, 2012

Two storms have hit America, but they are not the natural storm of the east coast. There is a storm of promiscuity and a storm of legalism, but the true test will be when these storms collide. With the victory of either will come the test of dependency upon God. These are but storms, but God is the hope! Will America depend upon God at the crest of the storm? It is the aftermath of the storm that reveals the hearts of men. God is calling for a people who will turn their hearts to Him in the midst of the storm so they will turn to Him in the easiest days of mercy. If you don’t give God everything in your toughest moments, you won’t give God anything on your easiest day! It is time for the community of God to touch the earth with the power of God’s judgment of mercy and His reign of grace – Ted J. Hanson

This is a word I gave January 5, 2016:

2016 is a year of partnerships, not partnerships as you would suppose. It’s not partnerships to see what you can get. It’s partnerships to see what you can give because the partnerships of 2016 are not partnerships of contract. They’re partnerships of covenant.

You are living in a time and a season where Isaiah 61 and 62 are going to accelerate and the partnerships that are going to take place in 2016 are going to come from the foundation of Isaiah 61 that leads to Isaiah 62, and then Isaiah 60 is finally going to become real. Because you can’t ‘Rise and Shine and your light come’ because you don’t know who you are.

Faith, Hope, and Love is a partnership for 2016!

God’s going to release such a grace of His love in this season, unsurpassed by any previous season. He’s going to reveal His love. He’s already showing up in the most unlikely places. And He’s showing that He wants to move into every neighborhood on planet earth because He wants every neighborhood of planet earth to move into heaven’s reality. He wants every neighborhood to move into His reality, but if you move into His reality then you’re going to be a different kind of people. Because if you move into His reality, then you’re going to be a people who will build, raise up, and make things new. You’ll be a people of blessing, a people of multiplication, a people of possessing. You’ll be a people of partnership, a partnership with God, a partnership with one another, a partnership of faith, hope, and love, realities of community and community only, because faith is towards a person, love comes from a person and hope is in a person.

In 2004 I prophesied a word concerning a grassroots revolution in America that would remove the headships of promiscuity and legalism (http://tedjhanson.houseofbreadministry.org/2011/10/17/a-grassroots-revolution/).

The following are blogs I posted this year in regard to our attitude towards worldly kings:

Worldly Kings


Worldly Kings For God’s Purpose


God Uses Worldly Leaders


Food For Thought,

Ted J. Hanson

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About ted4leaders

Ted J. Hanson is the leader of House of Bread Ministry and Christ Life Training Ministry Academy. He has dedicated his life to raising up the generations of God with a 100-year plan to become the testimony and power of God's life and grace in the earth.
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