Possessing The Gates

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God wants us to live in the perpetual testimony of a 100-year plan. He wants us to live as blessings that multiply those blessings to a second generation. Those multiplying the blessing of God empower a third generation to possess the gates of their enemies. Gates are forces of power in the world. Gates are portals the release what is behind the walls they guard to the world. The force behind a gate is seen in the power of the one who advances from behind the gates. To possess the gate is to hold the power that is released from the gate. The power that comes from the gate is seen in life and also by powers of death. When we believe God, we act upon God’s ways and God’s ways create a power within our hearts that is a force of life to our world. The imaginations of our hearts empower us to create a world that is different than the influences of death in times past. This is the testimony of the inheritance of Christ in a third generation and it becomes an authority of influence in a fourth generation. That influence establishes new first things, new principles that carry on to the generations to come.

Our beliets and actions are not connected to the knowledge we know. They are connected to who we believe. Who we believe determines who possesses the gates. Who possesses the place of heaven in the earth? Who possesses the high places in the earth? Whoever possesses the gates, possesses the places of influence. God’s covenant promise to us is that our descendants should possess the gates of their enemies. This is part of God’s inheritance in the earth.

When inheritances are given, they remain in the earth. These are the things that create places for the coming generations to stand. We stand in the inheritances given by those before us and we walk forward to expand those inheritances to the generations beyond us. God’s covenant promise to men is that wherever the soles of their feet walk it will become the possession of their inheritance. Money is not for spending; money is meant to change the world. Wealth isn’t given to merely gratify the pleasures of a generation. Wealth of any kind is meant to influence the world. It is not the destiny of any generation to spend the inheritances given from the previous generations upon themselves. Inheritance is meant to influence the generations of men. The riches of inheritance far exceed the value of mere things and those valuable things are a power of influence in the world.

Jesus came to this world as a man so that through Him all the families of the earth could be blessed. Going to heaven is a fringe benefit of believing in Jesus, but bringing heaven to the world in which we live is a part of our destiny. We are called to advance the kingdom of God in the earth. We are called to bring the kingdoms of this world into the kingdom of the Son of the Father’s love. We must receive the inheritances given to us by God to pass them on to the generations that follow our lives in this earth.

God’s promise to Abraham was not a promise to a man. It was a promise to his house. The good news given to Abraham was that he could trust in the Promiser. He could trust in the one who gave a promise, and He could change the world through the house of Abraham. The strength of the world is that they think they are the house, but they are not the house. The weakness of the church is they don’t know they are the house, therefore, they long to go to God’s house in some place in the sky. All God has ever wanted is to tabernacle with men. All He wanted to do was to move into the neighborhood of humanity and satisfy the human heart.

We have been blessed with every spiritual blessing from God in heavenly places, but we must first believe that we have been blessed in order for us to receive the blessing of those blessings here upon the earth. When we receive those blessings, we live to be a testimony of that blessing to our world.

When I have lived my life and run my race, I want it to be said that I believed therefore I acted. I acted therefore I dreamed. I dreamed therefore my children and my children’s children were born with vision. My family was born with vision therefore many families of the earth were blessed. This is a testimony of inheritance and the reality of a 100-year plan. This is the kind of leaders we should be in the Church.

It is only through living as inheritors and givers of inheritance that we can see the hearts of the fathers turn towards the children and the hearts of the children turned toward the fathers. This is the testimony of inheritance and a 100-year plan. By this the curses of futility are broken, and the blessings of heaven invade the earth.

Food For Thought,

Ted J. Hanson

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About ted4leaders

Ted J. Hanson is the leader of House of Bread Ministry and Christ Life Training Ministry Academy. He has dedicated his life to raising up the generations of God with a 100-year plan to become the testimony and power of God's life and grace in the earth.
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