The Path of Inheritance

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There is a lot of talk today of deconstruction in the church. The thought is that there are many things in the church that have been constructed by the thoughts of men, therefore, there needs to be a deconstruction of the things that have been built by man to discover the thing that God wants to build. There is a measure of truth in this, but there is also a great danger. We must be careful not to destroy the foundations set by God through the actions of men. Without a connection to and a value for the men and women of the past, we are left on our own without any ancient landmarks or boundaries to guide our way. We are not the first to receive revelation from God. The interpretations and the applications of the revelations given can evolve in our understanding, but they are still connected to the revelations that have been given. If a ship is sailing the sea and it finds that its path is off course, the ship does not return to the port and start over. The ship simply turns the wheel. The navigation of the ship is still connected to the navigation of the past in order to find the destiny that was intended in the first place.  The foundations of our lives and the foundation of our path in life is connected to the past. We must discover what is true today and we must discover the path today, but what is true today and the path of today are connected to where we have come from in the past. Wisdom cries out in the street and it is wisdom that will allow the knowledge of today to lead to the understanding that unlocks the door to our path of destiny. The street is the path that we find that is connected to where we have come from. It doesn’t just connect to the path of our own history, but it is connected to the full history of God in man in the generational plan of God among humanity. To get anywhere, we must know where we have come from. The foundation of all that is taking place in the church is connected to all that has taken place in God’s story among men to this point in time.

Ephesians 2:19 Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, 20 having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone, 21 in whom the whole building, being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, 22 in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.

The apostles and prophets of this Scripture text are the twenty-four elders around the throne of grace. They are the twelve prophets of Israel and the twelve apostles of the Lamb. They are that which represents the full harvest of the Torah/Temple society in the administration of the knowledge of good and evil and the foundation of the grafting in of all the nations of the world from the administration of mere human conscience in the time of men being bound to the knowledge of good and evil. The family tree of the knowledge of good and evil can only be exchanged for the family tree of life in the path of Christ. The prophets of the Torah/Temple society were those who labored in the Father’s field from the beginning of the day and those who are now being grafted in are those who have come at the end of the day. The wages given to both are the same, because God is the generous owner of all things and He wants to give to all according to His generous and gracious Spirit. The generations connect to build a reward that is given to all of mankind for the glory of the Fathers name. The prophets in this Scripture are the ceiling of the Old Covenant that received the mercy of the Lamb to become the foundation for the New Covenant. The apostles are the first-fruits of the New Covenant that is built upon the ceiling of the Old. The church generationally is built upon the foundation of the ceiling of the Old Covenant and the foundation of the New. All things are connected from Adam in Eden to eternity. Our lives are connected generationally to all that has been and to all that is yet to come. Jesus is the One who is, who was, and who will be. The story of mankind is the story written in the form of men and women as the likeness and image of God in a process of human maturation and culmination in Christ for God’s glory. Jesus is the foundation upon which the story of man can be seen in their calling, their testimony, and their purpose in destiny on earth and in heaven.

This same principle, pattern, and value is true for each of us in Christ. I believe it is true for every family, every Christ-centered community, and every spiritual letter written by the Holy Spirit in the lives of men.  We are not smarter than our fathers and mothers or their fathers and mothers. We are simply further along in the journey as long as we hold on to the things that have been set in the foundation for the building of the house of God’s habitation in our present time. If we disconnect from the values found in the foundations of the past, we will build something that does not carry the value that God desires to mature and culminate in our path of destiny. If we reject our birthright, we will exchange the family inheritance for things that are less than God’s will being done and His kingdom coming in our measure of the inheritance.

Food For Thought,

Ted J. Hanson

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Thank You – Ted J. Hanson

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About ted4leaders

Ted J. Hanson is the leader of House of Bread Ministry and Christ Life Training Ministry Academy. He has dedicated his life to raising up the generations of God with a 100-year plan to become the testimony and power of God's life and grace in the earth.
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