This Present Move of God


Whenever God does something in the earth those in the last move of God upon the earth most often resist it. Those who sought to embrace the grace of the Spirit of the Lord and the foundation of the just living by faith were resisted by those who adhered to being the universal church, the long-standing belief of the Catholic church as an influence to the world with the overcoming power of the kingdom of God. Those embracing the Spirit of Wisdom and the Holiness movement that revealed that true faith is exhibited in works that declare that faith. Although we are justified by faith, works that speak of that faith demonstrates that faith. Works do not justify us, but they do reveal faith that is living. It was those in the Protestant movements of the previous move that resisted the birthing of the denominations who professed the need for sanctification demonstrating works. Those embracing the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and a demonstration of Pentecostal power were resisted by those who adhered to the denominations of sanctification and justification. Those stuck in the moves of the past resisted the Spirit of Understanding and the Pentecostal expressions of heavenly testimony. Those professing a Pentecostal faith resisted the Later Rain, Healing, and Charismatic Renewal of the 1940’s through the 1960’s, even though the Charismatic Renewal brought a fellowship testimony and a revealing of the Spirit of Counsel and the laying of hands in virtually every denomination of the Christian faith to date. From 1970 to 2000 there was a renewed testimony of hearing the voice of God, the teaching that comes by His voice in our hearts, the prophetic voice restored, and a renewal testimony of His manifest presence in our midst. These things revealed the Spirit of Might and a church that is awake to God’s presence in their lives. Those in the Charismatic church and the preceding movements of God’s Spirit in the past resisted this. We have now been 15 years into a new move of God’s Spirit. I believe that this move is about the Spirit of Knowing and the community of heaven invading the communities of the earth. As I have written in past weeks, God is moving into the communities of men revealing that He is good and He loves us. A grace of the Spirit of Knowing with Christ’s eternal judgment of love is being given to this present generation. A dependency upon God and His heavenly communion is becoming the available testimony for those hungry for life. God receives as we are and wants to move into all of the neighborhoods of humanity.  He wants us to look to Him for who He is and to receive Him for who He is. He is not ashamed to see us as we are, but now He wants us to look into His eyes and see Him as He is. When we see we become like Him, because we see Him as He is. He is enough to change us inside and out to become a testimony of Him in the earth.

1 John 3:2 Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.

We are living in a time where God is moving by His Spirit to cause His family to be revealed as the people of God in the earth. He is moving in the lives of many people groups to bring about a testimony of unity through diversity. His love for us grants us the power to become those who exhibit a love for Him. When He moves into our lives we are empowered to be supernaturally changed in our lives to bring about glory to His name. Those who resist this present move of God’s Spirit will prove to be those who hold on to the things of renewal, prophecy, and the word of faith. Previous moves of God will prove to resist the present move of God’s Spirit because we tend to measure what God is doing with what we know He has done in the past. There is a great heritage in adhering to the things God has given to us so far, but holding too tightly to the things God has done will cause us to be less than open handed towards the things that God is doing today. We must have open hands to receive what God is doing. This means we must be willing to risk loosing what we have to receive even more of what God wants to give us. The present move of the Spirit of Knowing requires us to change our beliefs in order to become the people of God in a greater way.

God is good and He loves people! Unity is through diversity, not conformity. When we come to Him in the uniqueness of who we each are, together we reveal the greatness of who He is. We were born to be loved; not merely to be right. Love is a revelation, not a command. When we have a revelation of God’s love we cannot help but love Him and others. God is wrestling with us, not us with Him. He knows who we really are and He wants us to manifest truth. These are all attributes of this present grace of God’s Spirit at work in the earth. What is next? Will we stop and label Him as the God of the people or a Father who is kind to His children? Or will we move forward by the power of God’s grace to become the people of God? Will we embrace the things that require change in our beliefs, or will we allow the limitations of our present belief to hinder the expansion of our minds for the now testimony of Christ in the world?

Food For Thought,


Ted J. Hanson

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About ted4leaders

Ted J. Hanson is the leader of House of Bread Ministry and Christ Life Training Ministry Academy. He has dedicated his life to raising up the generations of God with a 100-year plan to become the testimony and power of God's life and grace in the earth.
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3 Responses to This Present Move of God

  1. John Rogers says:

    Amen, I know the Lord has been telling me to tell my people that I Love them and I want them to know who they are thru me, get a revelation in their hearts of my love and let the passion I have put in them come alive….. step into their destiny.

  2. Rhonda Hendricks says:

    Maybe it’s the identifications of our mindsets that hinder us, altogether. Why trade one for another? Why don’t we eliminate those hindrances once and for All… by embracing what God is doing in the NOW… by BEing Sons of God and demonstrating His presence in our lives, going beyond the limits we set for ourselves in the confines of our mind? It’s those mind identifications of the ego…that would rather hang on to what is deemed right, rather than LIFE….

  3. Rhonda Hendricks says:

    Maybe it’s the identifications of our mindsets that hinder us, altogether. Why trade one for another? Why don’t we eliminate those hindrances once and for All… by embracing what God is doing in the NOW… by BEing Sons of God and demonstrating His presence in our lives, going beyond the limits we set for ourselves in the confines of our mind? It’s those mind identifications of the ego…that would rather hang on to what is deemed right, rather than LIFE….

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