See as He Sees

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We often look to God as our rescue, but He is much more. He is the source of our being. I believe we are coming into a greater season of knowing who God is. In knowing who He is, we will also see as He sees. I gave a prophecy a few weeks back in Bellingham. I felt to share that word today.

September 1, 2024 – Ted J. Hanson

The Spirit of God says, “I put before you an open door and My voice is calling to you, and I’m saying, Come up! Come up!” And some would say, “Why must I climb? Why is it so high?”

“I’ve not called you to come to a place of escape. I’ve called you to a place of clarity. For the air is clear and the vision is clear where I am.”

And you would say, “The climb is too difficult, the climb is too hard.”

“But I’m strengthening your arm,” says God, “and I’m giving you sure footedness like the deer to be able to go where you didn’t think you could go, and the arm is strong that you can pull yourself to the place you didn’t think you could be. But it’s not just come to the place where I am. It’s to come to the place where you see what I see.” For God says, “I’m sending you forth as My givers of life. I’m causing you to be My sons, My daughters, My living waters. I’m causing you to come and to see Me as I am so that you can see yourselves as you should be.”

“And this difficulty is not a difficulty of the flesh. It’s a challenge to your spirit. For I ’m calling you to the place of clarity. For where you are the atmosphere is cloudy, but where I am the atmosphere is clear. And some of you are calling for Me to change your circumstance, to change your situation, but I’m calling you to come to Me. Because where I am the circumstance is clear, the vision is clear, and the strategy is made clear.”

“And I’m calling you to be My outstretched arm. I’m calling to see as I see, to be as I am – givers of life to your world. This is the Day called NOW. This is the season called TODAY. This is a time for clarity. It’s not that I’m coming to give you clarity. I have already given you clarity. So, come! Come to where I am and see what I see.”

As leaders, we are called to lead others to the place where God is. We lead to inspire others to be dwelling places of God’s presence. Clarity of vision is found when we see as God sees. We can only see as God sees when we find ourselves in Him and He in us. It is in abiding with Him that our vision becomes clear because it is in this hat things become clear.

Leaders lead others by seeking to see as God sees and inspiring those they lead to seek to see as God sees for everything in their lives. We cannot be distracted from God’s presence in the circumstances of our lives. God gives life, breath, and all things. When we see as He sees we become givers of life to our world.


Ted J. Hanson

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3210 Meridian St.
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About ted4leaders

Ted J. Hanson is the leader of House of Bread Ministry and Christ Life Training Ministry Academy. He has dedicated his life to raising up the generations of God with a 100-year plan to become the testimony and power of God's life and grace in the earth.
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