2017 Equipping and Training


This is a special note to all you leaders and pastors. I am excited for this new season of 2017 and I am ready to help you in this season with special training as a source of equipping to you. House of Bread Ministry is offering Training Sessions in:

  • Hearing God’s Voice
  • Prophetic Training and Activation
  • Understanding Authority
  • Generational Leadership
  • Understanding Grace
  • New Covenant Realities
  • End Time Realities
  • A Culture of Honor
  • A Culture of Grace
  • Generational Inheritance
  • The Kingdom Community

These Training Sessions are based upon books written by Ted J. Hanson and training courses and materials offered through Christ Life Training. Training can be done as a weekend school from Friday night through Sunday night or as a week of training. These courses can be fit to your church or ministry’s personal needs. I will work with you to assure that the best process can be applied for your local situation.

If you are interested in having Ted Hanson come and conduct one of these Training Sessions for your leaders, your congregation, or your ministry, contact us at ted@chrisltlifetraining.com. We will be glad to prayerfully consider your request and contact you as to what form God may direct us to assist you.



Ted J. Hanson

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About ted4leaders

Ted J. Hanson is the leader of House of Bread Ministry and Christ Life Training Ministry Academy. He has dedicated his life to raising up the generations of God with a 100-year plan to become the testimony and power of God's life and grace in the earth.
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One Response to 2017 Equipping and Training

  1. D. Okon says:

    I am not a Pastor or a Leader, but I know first hand about the training sessions Ted Hanson is making available to you because I have attended every session.
    The understanding Authority session I feel is very important to healthy church dynamites, and respect for church Pastors and leaders.
    Ted Hanson has a way of applying the training sessions to church, business, marriage, family, relationships, and personal growth all at the same time.

    I have recently retired after 40 years in law enforcement and I have enjoyed the same church for the past 27 years. I contribute my positive attitude largely to listening to and “applying” the teachings that I’ve heard from Ted Hanson Hanson.

    I highly recommend these training sessions.
    Respectfully, D. Okon

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